Thursday, 12 June 2008

English lessons

 Play dough
This is the second week these girls have come. I had planned two classes a week. However as you saw in the last post, the first class is a no-go.  The older class, just these two girls have showed up both times we have had class. We had another girl last week, but as you can see she didn't make it this week.  I am still hoping we can meet these girls  families, and witness to them. We are having a blast though. They are so fun. And they are retaining the lessons really well.  Kaylona hates when I take pictures of her, it is a good thing she doesn't have a blog. She won't see this or she would kill me. 


Abbi said...

It looks like you all were having fun!

Bridgett said...

Kaylona looks cute with bangs.